Key benefits of
breastfeeding for mummy

♥  Promotes postpartum weight loss
♥  Reduces the risk of breast cancer
♥  Enhance early maternal infant bond

Key benefits of
breastfeeding for baby

♥  Provides balanced nutrition
♥  Protect baby from developing allergies
♥  Easily digested and absorbed

Wholehearted support for
your breastfeeding journey

Pigeon has studied closely the challenges of breastfeeding mums and we offer our wholehearted support with our complete range of breastfeeding solutions that cover everything you will need to Pump, Store, Feed and Care for your baby, making your breastfeeding journey a joyous one.

Intuitive Breast Pump

A range of breast pumps inspired by baby’s sucking motion, helping mothers to achieve a comfortable pumping experience.

Convenient Storage

Enjoy the great convenience of storing breast milk hygienically and securely.

Feeding Support

Enjoy the convenience and peace of mind of warming up baby’s milk and food without loss of nutrients and feeding baby milk with nursing bottle that provides seamless switch between breast and bottle.

Protective Care

Pigeon has a range of breast care products to help address breastfeeding challenges, making your journey as comfortable as possible.

Resources for new parents

Overcoming common breastfeeding challenges

What To Do When You Have These Breastfeeding Issues

It is very common to face issues while breastfeeding so fret not Mama you're not the only one! Knowing how to recognize the causes and how to deal with can make you feel more assured and confident about this natural process that you're embarking on with your little one.

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Basics of breastfeeding

Diet during breastfeeding

Maintain a balanced diet for yourself and your baby. Postnatal mothers need more energy and caloric intake when breastfeeding than during pregnancy.

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Overcoming common breastfeeding challenges

Can I take medicine while breastfeeding and how to continue breastfeeding?

Most medicines are safe to continue breastfeeding, but some medicines should be avoided during breastfeeding. Consult your physician on the appropriate medications during the breastfeeding period.

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Overcoming common breastfeeding challenges

Breastfeeding and fatigue

For mothers who feel tired when breastfeeding.

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Overcoming common breastfeeding challenges

Common symptoms of breast problems during breastfeeding

Common symptoms of breast trouble are presence of lumps or swelling that hurt and can be caused by plugged ducts or an infection called mastitis.

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Overcoming common breastfeeding challenges

Nipple problems

Breastfeeding with irritation/cracked/bleeding nipples

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Storing breastmilk and returning to work

Working mothers returning to work

Breast milk will keep the relationship between you and your baby close when you can't be with your baby.

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All you need to know about breastmilk

Advantages Of Breastfeeding: Why Nursing Is Important For Both Mother And Baby

Breastfeeding is an ideal way for mother and baby to bond.

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All you need to know about breastmilk

Components of breast milk

Breast milk has various advantages, one of which is that it contains well-balanced nutrients, including fat, lactose and protein as main ingredients.

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Overcoming common breastfeeding challenges

10 common breastfeeding problems and how to solve them

Your newborn baby is a perfect little bundle, from its head down to its feet! Making breastfeeding work, however, can be a challenge, especially in the early days. Here are the top breastfeeding problems you may face, and how you can deal with them.

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Storing breastmilk and returning to work

What Dad can do to help Mom in breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is actually a teamwork by Mom and Dad! Dads, do you know that your role is very important in making this whole journey a smoother one? Here are some things you can do too!

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Storing breastmilk and returning to work

How To Continue Breastfeeding After Returning To Work

We’ve created a guide to breastfeeding to prepare you of what’s to come and build your confidence in conquering this! Who says you can't continue breastfeeding upon returning to work? You can read and download this helpful guide to assist you on your breastfeeding journey.

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Basics of breastfeeding

How To Help Your Baby Latch On

Learning to help your baby latch on properly is the first step to ensure a smooth breastfeeding session. The 3 key factors of breastfeeding: Attachment, Peristaltic tongue movement, Swallowing

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Storing breastmilk and returning to work

Storing Breast Milk

Express your breast milk in an appropriate way, expressions in a day should be similar as that of the normal breastfeeding.

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All you need to know about breastmilkBasics of breastfeeding

What are the different breastfeeding positions

Hold your baby appropriately to breastfeed comfortably

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