Trying for a baby isn’t always as straightforward as hitting the sheets. To help you avoid the awkward sex talk, we discuss some of the most commonly asked questions from couples who are trying to conceive.

What is the best sex position for getting pregnant?

While there’s no clear theory to prove that certain sex positions are more likely to lead to conception, some have suggested that the classic missionary position (with the man on top) gives you the greatest odds as it involves deep penetration that enables sperm to deposit closest to the cervix. At the end of the day, any position works as long as you and your partner feel comfortable with it.

How often should we have sex to conceive?

Some couples may worry about getting it on too often, but it’s more about the timing than the frequency when it comes to getting pregnant. Having sex during your most fertile times (usually two to three days prior to ovulation, and the day of ovulation) will help to increase your chances at conceiving. If you’re not sure when you’re the most fertile, your best bet is to have sex at least three times a week during the middle two weeks of your cycle. That way, you’re more likely to have a good supply of healthy sperm in your fallopian tubes when you ovulate.

Does oral sex boost your chances of conception?

Some fertility experts recommend to avoid oral sex during the time of ovulation. This is because saliva contains digestive enzymes that may alter the natural pH balance of your vagina and end up damaging the sperm. Just try to hold off till the fertility window period passes, and you can resume your oral pleasures!

Do you have to orgasm to get pregnant?

No, having an orgasm during sex isn’t necessary for conception. However, the odds can be slightly in your favour if you do manage to orgasm as the uterine contractions are said to help propel sperm towards the fallopian tubes quicker. But generally speaking, you don’t have to worry about attaining an orgasm in order to get pregnant.

Does age matter for fertility?

A woman’s best reproductive years are during her 20s. The older you get, the longer it may take for you to conceive as fertility declines with age. By the time you hit 40, you may only have about a 5% chance per cycle. Men, on the other hand, will only see a decrease in fertility rate when they reach their 50s.

How long does it take to get pregnant?

There’s no textbook-perfect answer for this, but most healthy couples who have frequent sex become pregnant within three months to a year. However, if you’re younger than 35 and still haven’t gotten a bun in the oven after trying for a year, you may want to consider visiting a fertility specialist.

Quick tips to help you get pregnant fast:

TIP 1:

Refrain from using a lubricant as most products on the market may harm or slow down sperm. If you really need to use lube, ask your doctor to recommend one that’s safe and doesn’t affect fertility.

TIP 2:

Improve your man’s fertility by maintaining a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts and pumpkin seeds work wonders on increasing sperm count.

TIP 3:

Make sure you’re loading up on the baby-making nutrients too, mamas-to-be! A balanced menu of fertility-boosting superfoods like spinach, bananas and beans are great for pregnancy.

TIP 4:

Avoid doing any strenuous activity that may raise your body temperature before you hop in the sack. Sperm start to lose their motility and viability at high temperatures, so things like exercising or having a hot bath are a no-no.

